Event advertising - Octiran

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Octiran’s content services includes the fields of content production, branding, media, and advertising. A full-service creative house that does everything related to this field from zero to one hundred. Since effective content, integrity of the fundamentals of the brand, media management, design and implementation of advertising campaigns are considered important and essential in the field of events, Octiran Group considers comprehensive services and coverage of all the needs of its audience in this field, and for this purpose, there are a specialized working group in this company, that are ready to provide these services.

Octiran+ content services will include the following:

  • Ideation
  • create a brand / branding
  • Production and implementation of textual content
  • Production and implementation of audio content
  • Production and implementation of visual content
  • Production and implementation of video content
  • Advertising
  • Media management and leadership
  • ….



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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and

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